By IfuSeekAmyIdo - 05/04/2009 21:34 - United States

Today, I hired a babysitter, so my husband and I could spend some time together and work on our failing marriage. I dressed up. We went out. He got drunk and puked on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 88 723
You deserved it 7 381

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is horrible. I truly feel really bad for you. If you leave him (which is more likely at the moment) I hope that you remember that not all guys are like that.

waffles_128 0

wow that really sucks if you do split up, get custody someone who's gonna get drunk enough to puke in that kind of situation shouldn't have supervision of a child


He sounds like he doesn't really care.

He sounds like someone who doesn't care.

MyLyfeSux42 0

HAng in theree! ure marriage will work if hesz nice to you and you want it too! have faithh, and ask him if he wants it to work. If he says no, then u have a world-class FML to write! If he saysz yes, then why not? Hang In There!

How is "I divorced my husband after trying to get him to work on our marriage." a world class FML?, and learn to spell he's and says.

maybe thats why your marriage is failing. instead of communication or talking it through, or even accepting that shit happens, you bitch and moan to a website begging for sympathy from strangers

You should just get gets better, I promise....

You should just get gets better, I promise....

cuddlebunny3548 11