By IfuSeekAmyIdo - 05/04/2009 21:34 - United States

Today, I hired a babysitter, so my husband and I could spend some time together and work on our failing marriage. I dressed up. We went out. He got drunk and puked on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 88 723
You deserved it 7 381

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is horrible. I truly feel really bad for you. If you leave him (which is more likely at the moment) I hope that you remember that not all guys are like that.

waffles_128 0

wow that really sucks if you do split up, get custody someone who's gonna get drunk enough to puke in that kind of situation shouldn't have supervision of a child


Tell me more about the babysitter. I am intrigued...

That's really sucky. I'm sure that OP was really wanting them to spend time with each other, rather than one of them getting trashed. The way this is written, it sounds like marriage isn't the only thing that OP's husband is failing at. However, In his defence, perhaps he was having such a great time dining out, which might be something that hasn't happened for a while, that the alcohol just caught up with him unexpectedly. You know - they had Champagne, then some wine, and perhaps finished with an after-dinner drink. Definitely not the result that OP was looking for, but on its own, certainly not the basis of a divorce. If there is another time, I hope you get the other side of the coin, and you both a brilliant time together :o)

To #28- Yeah, hell yeah, dinner is lame. You gotta spend more money on him. Take him to Vegas. Buy him a car. Get him some hookers. After all, **** the kids, **** the bank account, we're all rich anyway, right.? The important thing is that HE gets to have a good time, and then maybe he'll see fit to show you a sliver of respect. I think it's time for some counseling. You can't talk through your problems if he can't remember the conversation.

At least be thankful that he didn't shit on your face.

At least be thankful that he didn't shit on your face.

kellster 2

Sounds like you're not the reason the marriage is failing. :/

SomethingWitty 0

Wow how many different ways can a story like this be told? So far I think it's three times a girl gets screwed over by a significant other. SHENANIGANS