By IfuSeekAmyIdo - 05/04/2009 21:34 - United States

Today, I hired a babysitter, so my husband and I could spend some time together and work on our failing marriage. I dressed up. We went out. He got drunk and puked on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 88 723
You deserved it 7 381

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is horrible. I truly feel really bad for you. If you leave him (which is more likely at the moment) I hope that you remember that not all guys are like that.

waffles_128 0

wow that really sucks if you do split up, get custody someone who's gonna get drunk enough to puke in that kind of situation shouldn't have supervision of a child


Imagine reversed roles here. "Took my wife out to on a fancy date to help rekindle the marriage, she had one too many cosmos and ended up puking on me! After a night spent in the bathroom holding her hair and telling her everything is going to be ok, we're much closer now and remember how we used to always be there for eachother." While somehow this warrants a female lynchmob..... The only difference is perspective.

iamspartacus2 0

**** you #60. But still, maybe #61 is right- if he's going to get wasted when he should be working on the marriage, maybe he's a waste of time.

Though this is one sided, I have a good guess as to why this marriage is failing, ya'know? DTMFA.

nikkiadiel 0

Well maybe you should work on your "failing marriage" instead of being on this website! Crappy FML.

And that is why ur marriage is failing!

Sorry to say: your marriage is over LOL#65

badass42 0

whats the reason for mentioning the babysitter... you can afford one??