By just trying to be nice - 21/06/2013 02:17 - United States - Tucson

Today, I honked at a man in a Subway parking lot. He rolled down his window and screamed insults and slurs at me before driving away. Why did I honk at him? He'd left his lunch on top of his car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 334
You deserved it 4 033

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You tried at least., now free subway for you.

And then he realized why you honked, once he got on the highway, and felt really stupid.


websphere69 27

some people are beyond being helped....

After his rant, politely say "I thought you may have left your lunch on the roof because you we're distracted. Now I know it's because you are an idiot."

Sounds like he deserves to lose his lunch and be hungry lol

This happened to me. I got out of the car after blocking said douche into his space, and walked over to his car. I then grabbed his lunch, got back into my car, and drove home. He just sat there cursing at me the entire time. I can't help but wonder at the fact that he didn't notice me take his lunch or wonder what I was doing.

what a douche. although I probablt would have done the same. honking at peeps gives off a bad vibe.

once i was behind a truck filled with roofing scraps and i honked my horn every time something flew out the back of their truck and almost hit my car, five times btw, and they didnt realize why i was honking either... people just dont understand honking anymore

When he takes a sandwich to the windshield on the freeway I think he will finally understand.

I would've still pointed it out. he could've been having a bad day.

How is that an FML for you? He lost his lunch for being a dick.

nurchok 15

For every nice person like you, there is always a bunch of assholes. Keep up being awesome and don't let this incident discourage you.