By Emma-Louise - 20/05/2011 19:46 - France

By Emma-Louise - 20/05/2011 19:46 - France
By rawr_fml001 - 11/05/2012 23:50 - Canada - Brampton
By GM38 - 23/06/2012 02:57 - United States - Melbourne
By melas303 - 30/12/2012 00:22 - United States
By Anonymous - 27/10/2011 15:24 - United Kingdom
By Dumped and pregnant - 01/05/2018 05:00
By kiken.bara - 06/01/2013 08:17 - United States
By Anonymous - 14/03/2013 18:41 - United States - Portland
By Anonymous - 10/01/2011 02:35 - United States
By Anonymous - 27/01/2017 22:00
By Anonymous - 27/12/2010 17:53 - Canada
Forget waffles! He didn't leave you Ben&Jerrys?! What a bastard!
condoms a must
Maybe you should have considered this before you started dating him and stuff. YDI.
ops bf forgot to package his meat
don't be a dummy, cum on her tummy!
36 and 44 sane person, but wtf??? ur pic is... ok. who. is. ur. Doctor! I gotta slap him
36 and 44 IS A DUDE. I wonder how many kids he has already that he doesn't know about?
What a stupid ******* comment. You sound like a 12 year, your probably one of those nerds that always talks about chuck Norris...smh
I have a strong feeling he all ready knows.
^^ I believe he didn't leave her because it was positive. The FML has other strong reasons to why he left.
You should take him to Maury's show:-(
just think positive
Damn 3 are you going to take a grammar lesson?
OP, this is why we have condoms, birth control, Plan B (morning after pill), & anti-pregnancy implants. YDI for getting pregnant unintentionally when you had several options to prevent it from happening. Congrats! You're now known as an "oops mom"'.
Must resist telling a dead baby joke.....
whats worse than seven dead babies in one trash can? One dead baby in seven trashcans.
how do you make a baby float. take your foot off it's head
whats small, black, orange, yellow, red, and crying? a pile of babies on fire :)
I'm only thumbing down these baby jokes cause they're ******* OLD. Seriously, get some new material, I was regurgitating these when I was 9.
your all sick
what's the difference between a baby and a trampoline? I take off my shoes before I jump on one...
I have a wicked and occasionally cruel sense of humor, but these jokes are repulsive and they aren't even good ones. Smh.
The first one was kinda like "Lol, I get it" but as I kept reading them they turned into "WTF is wrong with you?"
sounds kinda sexual if you as me "I wish you could thumb me"
so sensitive -_- get a sense of reality. you baby joke haters probably go to a scary movie and midway through scream "that's cruel disgusting and unethical! imma sue these film makers who scarred my eyes!!" and that's why there are no good scary movies.
168 - No, I love scary movies... but that doesn't mean I love to read these jokes about mutilating dead babies.
rockstarRN u da best!!!! all sick people out there, talking about dead babies... what if those babies were u????!!!!!!! who will b laughing then????? MEEEEEEEEE
Not really...
Please tell me you were kidding...
damn straight. He probably won't though because obviously he's trash.
Nothing says "I love you" like abandonment and unpaid child-support.
at least you'll have a baby...
takes two to tango. ydi
Their birth control could have failed, and in that case, it is not her fault. She doesn't deserve to be abandoned by her boyfriend after finding out that she's pregnant. No one deserves that.
It doesn't matter if she takes birth control. If he doesn't wear a condom, he gives her full control to get pregnant or not. Studies have proven it.
yeah it could have. But studies have proven that girls have full control if the guy isn't wearing a condom. - - and how is that being a douche? A fact isn't being brainless... did you not pay attention in science or health class?
She is the only one of the two with the option of medications and procedures to prevent or end the pregnancy after fertilization, therefore it is her choice and responsibility. All that he has a say in is the court hearing on how much child support he pays, and even they aren't likely to listen to him.
men can get a vasectomy, it's not souly up to the girl. sure, a girl can choose to use the different forms of birth control out there, but there are tons of men who prefer not to use condoms. and then there are tons of girls out there who don't want to or don't have the guts to say they wish they'd use one. you have no idea how this girl got pregnant, so the reasons your stating these facts is beyond me. and why do you care about proving these things you are saying? im sorry but it sounds like you have never been laid. i could be wrong, but it really sounds like it.
either xxguard is trolling or they really are a "know it all" douchebag.
that sucks!
Nothing says "I love you" like abandonment and unpaid child-support.
i would track him down and make him pay that child support;)