By Nicoleanne - 20/11/2016 14:08

Today, I hosted an open house. I forgot about it and arrived as they were leaving. There were dirty dishes and laundry everywhere, and my dildo was on my dresser. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 485
You deserved it 13 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. You had plenty of time to wrap the dirty dishes in the laundry and hang them from lighting fixtures, and to grab some tape and affix the ***** to the front doorknob. This is real estate 101.


YDI how do you forget that your holding an open house?

LevelupKid 8

Well aren't you a pleasant, responsible, modest woman.

While the dirty dishes and laundry are a home staging no-no, it could be argued that the ***** on the dresser made your house that much more memorable to prospective buyers, not to mention a major score for nosey neighbor lookie loos!