By brokeandiknowit - 09/06/2017 05:00 - United States - Chula Vista

Today, I installed an app that notifies me of every purchase on my credit card. Now I'm being tormented by notification after notification as my wife decimates our finances. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 503
You deserved it 961

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't have that app but when my wife spends money I feel a disturbance in the Force.

You need to have a serious conversation with her about this rather than just let it happen. These are the roots of divorce. Pretty sure you can temporarily disable cards you don't need to have active, sit her down and have a serious budget talk before this ruins both your lives.


Make sure it's not for needed items. I had to sit and talk to my husband about why I spent the way I did for food, pet care, and other household things. Especially if she's the primary when it comes to handling finances and household planning.

Omg JUST TALK TO YOUR WIFE! Jesus, it's not that hard!

Talis99 26

I hope there's more to this and you're talking to her about it like an adult and not silently cringing as she "decimates" your finances. Also, does she have a shopping addiction? Can you put a limit on the card? Cancel it and get a new one? Maybe she needs help if you have actually spoken with her about it like partners.