By brokeandiknowit - 09/06/2017 05:00 - United States - Chula Vista

Today, I installed an app that notifies me of every purchase on my credit card. Now I'm being tormented by notification after notification as my wife decimates our finances. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 502
You deserved it 959

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't have that app but when my wife spends money I feel a disturbance in the Force.

You need to have a serious conversation with her about this rather than just let it happen. These are the roots of divorce. Pretty sure you can temporarily disable cards you don't need to have active, sit her down and have a serious budget talk before this ruins both your lives.


I don't have that app but when my wife spends money I feel a disturbance in the Force.

Ever consider becoming a Sith Lord? We can use someone like you in Imperial Finances. :P

You do realize that that's not a healthy relationship? And could even be considered a form of abuse if she racking up debt and expecting you to pay it off?

you do realise she may be buying stuff that's needed and he's being a typical guy who complains about it? women are usually the primary spenders. my husband will make statements like these after I grocery shop. and I do my best to keep food shopping costs low without being too unhealthy.

The wife is using a credit card. That means that someone is going to have to pay the credit card off. Unless they suddenly are experiencing financial difficulties from a bill going up or a loss of a job, she shouldn't be putting anything on a credit card, let alone household needs. Which means that it is way more likely that she's splurging on things than buying necessary items.

Do you realize that it's possible to use a credit card in a financially-responsible manner? Some of them give benefits in excess of their fees (if any), and you don't have to pay excessive interest if you pay off your balance every month.

seyeran 9

Some people pay for everything on the credit card initially and pay it off immediately. Credit purchases often yield rewards while debit/cash/checks don't. If you're already spending the money and pay it off immediately, then using the credit card for everything makes more sense because you can get something else from those purchases. Just don't get carried away and spend more than you can pay off.

Are you kidding? If you don't use a credit card (and pay it off) you have a bad credit rating. If you have a bad credit rating, you can't get a loan when you need it. I use my credit card for everything and just pay it off at the end of the month. There is nothing wrong with using a credit card.

If she's only spending 1/10th of your money, well, it's a lot better than some other guy's have it.

Not many people know that the word "decimate" literally means to lose one-tenth. Losing one-tenth of your army in one battle is very bad, but losing one-tenth of your income is tithing.

You need to have a serious conversation with her about this rather than just let it happen. These are the roots of divorce. Pretty sure you can temporarily disable cards you don't need to have active, sit her down and have a serious budget talk before this ruins both your lives.

You have three solutions: A better wife, a better job or learn to live with it.

Delete the app! Ignorance is bliss, ... and strength!

Lobby_Bee 17

Good news, scissors is the thing you need. Go home and cut her damn credit card in half! Or all her fingers, both should work the same.

With you on the card... Not so much on the fingers. A bit draconian, no?

well I'm not from your location so I don't think you're my husband ? this sounds like an FML he'd say. pretty sure he said it today. you're not alone.

That really seems irresponsible of her.