By dpap - 18/01/2013 23:03 - United States - Waukee

Today, I introduced my girlfriend to my parents. The first thing my dad did was comment that given how pretty she looked in our photos, and compared to how she looks in real life, she's amazing at using Photoshop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 231
You deserved it 3 749

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What is it with parents insulting their kids significant other? Keep those kinds of comments to yourself.

At that moment she probably wanted to photoshop his face too. With her fists.


carminecris89 13

Your dad is a complete prick. I hope you stood up for her and said something to him about making such an appalling comment.

I wonder how long it will be until she is photoshopping babies to look like you two!

LMFAOwned 9

Your dad sounds like a dick lol

your father said that to your girlfriend? I hope you at least said something to stand up for her...

APersonalProblem 13

Your dad needs a medal. Lmfaooo

pinkpanther61789 15

And you need a shoe up your ass #45

Maybe the whole leg, but maybe in the front end so she can't procreate and give her children this crappy mindset.

_Burnett89 9

I agree with the comments about you at least standing up for her. I'm pretty sure he didn't take into consideration her feelings so why take his

Well i see that the " perks of technology " didn't help you

Good, bout time somebody said it. I know so many girls that look NOTHING like their photos because they use so many different edits and filters.

CharresBarkrey 15

Along the lines of your comment, what is on your(her?) eye in your picture?

That's my friend and she had her face painted at a rodeo/fair. I think it's part of a butterfly.

enigmo_fml 12

Funny if she was a graphic designer. xD