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By garfield749 - 29/12/2011 05:53 - United States

Today, I discovered that I have to share a room with my new stepbrother. I also discovered that he takes the same number of showers over the course of two weeks as I do in a single day: one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 137
You deserved it 2 257

Same thing different taste

Top comments

at least you dont have to worry about him hogging the shower.

drawmesunshine 17

The living room is looking pretty darn inviting, eh?


at least you dont have to worry about him hogging the shower.

coolboy675 16

Would've been funnier if OP said none instead

kwchambers92 10

I hope you shower at least 12 times a day, if you don't, that sucks

I would hate to know how often the pig brushes his teeth

Ozone1232 5

24 - I see what you did there...

Maybe he doesn't perspire as much as some people *hint hint* :3...

FMLsOhilarious 6

#16 OP says he takes one shower a day.

And he has one golden rule. Never ever touch his drumset.

Hungry_Panda 3

#38- I believe he was hinting at a previous FML.

zuzupetalsYO 11

#1 you look like a creeper. Just sayin

CondomSense 4
iamabamf 17

37-More importantly, don't touch your balls to his drumset.

gecko13 0

Fix it with comet and a toilet brush, he will shower on his own after that... Worked in the Marines!

Maybe he'll much rather have a nice luxurious bath, with chocolates and Jane Austen novels...

drawmesunshine 17

The living room is looking pretty darn inviting, eh?

what really sounds inviting is locking him out of the house in the middle of a rainstorm....

baby_dee97 8
SecretMe00 5

Its actually not good to wash your hair everyday. The natural oils help keep it healthy.

iamabamf 17

Wait, everyone's supposed to shower naked? Oh...-____-

Captain0bv10us 0

Pour a bucket of ice on his bed. Worked for my stinky bro. Actually, no it didn't. Still fun.

cc_the_beast 6

^ kudos on the picture/name. Great group!

My advice, spray him with a high pressure fire hose. Nothing works better than a little brutality.

You take too many showers and he too less. Really, two times a week is enough. A daily shower (with shampoo and shower gel) will damage your body/hair and a two-weekly shower will damage the nostrils of other people.

Umm, eww. It's perfectly healthy to shower everyday. I feel nasty if I skip even one day. And if you only shower twice a week, not only will you stink to the high heavens, but your hair would be greasy as hell. Plus I'd really rather not be sitting in my own sweat for that long, cause that is beyond gross.

Ew. No. Everyday is good. Ofcourse you miss some days, leading you to have, on average, 5-6 times a week. I would rather have "damaged body/hair" than a stinky body and no social life.

HaleyXx_fml 11

It's more damaging to hair if you don't wash it regularly.

I don't care if my hair is a little damaged. I care if it looks like I just dipped my head in a grease fryer.

shrekus 0

I take two showers a day, I guess I'm killing myself....

...No, it is not perfectly healthy to use shampoo/shower gel everyday. How lovely those two might smell, it's still a chemical product that can give you skin problems (an overly sensitive skin, eczema, a rash...) and makes your hair fragile and (you won't believe this) greasy. But since you girls are terrible afraid of your own sweat - did you know that women get arroused by men sweat? And that people get in love with eachother because of their body odour? - you can shower daily, but water will do just fine. Just like taking a shower twice a week + washing your armpits/crotch daily with water will do just fine.

Xquisite1 28

You must be one funky pussy bitch.

Llama_Face89 33

43- I'm sorry but all I got out of that was that your grammar in the first two sentences of the second paragraph is terrible.

34 "stink to high heaven" I read that in a Boston accent :P

There are products out there that work like soap but don't actually contain all the "damaging" ingredients. If you're really all that concerned. And I think men and women subconsciously smell the pheromones without the help of not showering for a week.

kristac123 0

Umm your wrong, it's not healthy to only shower twice a week, people should shower at least once a day, some people get really smelly when they don't

She is correct. We create so much oil because of showering so much. Look it up. I still shower everyday, unless I miss a day occasionally, because I feel really itchy if I don't. I use all natural, organic products to reduce the damage and not become a chem-pot. :)

kristac123 0

She says it's not healthy to shower everyday, therefore she IS wrong

#43 there's the reason your dp is of someone in a gas mask. You must stink like a dog who rolls in his own shit. And if you're saying the chemicals are damaging your skin, do you believe toothpaste gives you sensitive or sore gums? I pity anyone who's within a 8 foot diameter of you.

skyeyez9 24

Maybe if you lived in anartica and never sweat due to the cold. I run 3-5 miles on my treadmill every day. If I only showered twice a week, The BO would be horrendous.

Well that was an interesting thread to read

If only you girls were just as passionate about things that really mattered.

Those odours can also become off putting after a short period of time, like a hot day. Sure, it is attracting for a little while, but once the chemicals on the skin and all mix with the sweat...ew.

rach2010 0

43- People in America do not enjoy disgusting body odor, so we shower a bit more over here.

ashley30 4

Oh how can I add u, btw totally right to at least shower 3 times a week I smell great all the time I get huge compliments all the time. What can I do about the seasons split ends? Long brown hair, thin but thick hair (thin but alot of hair), really strong roots, straight with a bit of wave

I live in the south and trust me, you skip a day showering and deodorant or not everything starts getting funky. High humidity causes you to basically marinate in your own sweat so showering everyday is just a normal routine here. Unless you're a hobo or just plain nasty.

That's completely true. Want to know why you're filthy after 24 hours? Because you shower too much! When you wash the oils off your skin every single day, it stresses out your skin and it goes balistic trying to replenish those oils, so you get greasier faster and then dirt, dust and grime stick to you. If you trained your body chemistry on showering every second or third day, you'll say clean for the entire two days and your skin, scalp and hair will be healthier. A wet washcloth and maybe some dry shampoo is more than enough for the between-days.

I wash my hair like twice a week too and it doesn't get oily. I know people who have oily hair the second their hair dries because they wash their hair everyday. But i wash my body everyday. Come on come on wash that body.

Now we know why you're wearing a gas mask- to protect yourself from your own scent.

Keep spraying him with febreze..he might get the hint! X