By sprocket - 28/02/2009 18:55 - Hong Kong

Today, I jokingly asked my boyfriend of one year, "Why is someone as smart, funny and as handsome as you with someone like me?" He replied, "Opposites attract." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 092
You deserved it 28 974

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you took his response seriously you're ****** up.

alwaysalady 0

He was clearly joking, but you shouldn't fish for compliments. Its unattractive.


kristineneer 0

You got yourself a keeper.

Clever mate. Admit all you wanted is him to say you are nice smart etc etc too. Well it is obvious he is clever, what a witty response!

Oh, that had to throw you off for a bit. At least you're right about the funny part. :D

christinedoo 0

the girlfriend's self-deprecating act is annoying, but the boyfriend's comeback was an asshole thing to say whether he was joking or not.

I'm sure he was just teasing you. A lot of guys seem to get annoyed when girls are insecure like that. At least that's how my bf is.

@ #49: Some people just don't put the pieces together, but that would garner a lukewarm response rather than an "FML," which clearly spawned out of insecurity. Fishing for compliments pisses me off to ludicrous heights.