By uhoh901 - 25/03/2010 11:07 - United States

Today, I just had a phone interview with a college. The lady asked me to spell out my password to a site so she can access my test scores. The password was "dick." FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 958
You deserved it 52 141

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. Why would you make that your password? Especially for viewing test scores? Were you getting some at the time to get that A?

Just_Me_143 0

haha, looks like you're not going there for school. unless you have so good test scores she might over look it :)


dude u have some serious problems. seriously wat kind of perverted freak of nature would put a password as "dick" 

D Di Dic Dick Dic Di D 8====> megan fox is hotttt my name is bob

orlyescence 0

YDI. Who makes their password dick? even the website will tell you it's too short.

OasC82 0
ssachick 0

why would you make that your password for a school account. its your fault


hello, shoulda made up an excuse, like you had a friend named dick. or something at least.