By bouda - 15/05/2011 18:19 - France

Today, I killed a pigeon. It choked to death on a piece of bread I threw its way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 068
You deserved it 7 555

Same thing different taste

Top comments

anakaren_831 1

poor pigeon. **** the pigeon's life.


Aww, poor pigeon. At least you care instead of just ignoring it though? /:

You murderer the poor thing didn't deserve to die you should be ashamed

Who cares. It's just a disease infested, flying, ******** rat. It's called pest control.

needsagf14 12

I think the legal term is pigeonslaughter

___________ /DONT FEED THE BIRDS-/ ---------------

Ducks and other birds should never be fed bread. They won't always choke, but they will almost always die :(

you do know Pigeons can't eat bread without choking right....