By rj93 - 05/11/2011 13:43 - United Kingdom

Today, I learned if you dream you're having a piss, you most likely are having a piss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 380
You deserved it 5 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think that this has happened to everyone once in their life.

it doesn't work that way when you dream about having sex :(


Mayjay122 7

Go to the bathroom before you sleep. Maybe that will solve the problem :]

RainbowHeadache 2

They're always the weirdest dreams too. I did that once or twice in the past two years but I had a Uti at the time. It's more embarrassing when you're in bed with someone and that happens. Lol

ikickgingers 15

When I was a younger I used to dream about fires... I'd have to pee to put the fire out. Fun times.

every1luvsboners 11

I feel a burning sensation when I piss too, I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one.

ikickgingers 15

I have the exact same dream!. Paris Hilton is kneeling in front of me and her teeth are on fire. She's begging be to pee in her mouth to put them out, and I say no. Ok, so maybe not the exact same dream then.

Melissaxrosex 5

that happened to me I woke up peeing after having a dream bput it. :'(

yeah I've actually stopped myself from doing this.

it was probably the second time. cuz I know I have refrained myself from peeing in dream after it happened to me. I know, it's a lot of hardworking!! not that easy!! when your dream is so ******* realistic!!

hmm, I've not been able to control peeing in my dream, but I managed to stop myself from actually doing it in reality...out of sheer will, I guess. After the first time you sort of know what's going to happen and can control it that way.

Same here! I realizes it halfway into the dream.

cherrypie22 6

YDI for having no bladder control.

kate1238 9

Some people have problems with their bladder control, even if they do learn they can't control it.

Yes, In the most litteral sense, although I agree with 37 as well, but I guess 'someone' had to be the clown and say it.

ChrisTheCalm 9
holycoweh 2

You have too be aware next time too wake ur ass up