By life sucks - 20/05/2010 05:12 - United States

Today, I learned my boyfriend has another girlfriend. His excuse is he's bipolar and each of his personalities needs a girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 782
You deserved it 5 081

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh wow... he could've at least said he had a multiple personality disorder... doesn't bipolar deal with your moods? I could be wrong here though...

But the point is, they are both still Jake. Just two sides of the same coin. If it was someone with DID, then there wouldbe Jake, Ben, Vlad, Mary, etc. Depends on how many personalities there are. The OP's bf (hopefully ex) is an idiot. Period.


Nederlander95 14

So are you dating the high or the low?

rabid_otaku 29

I have bipolar disorder. It gives you mood swings, not multiple ******* personalities. That's called multiple personalities disorder.

charmanderisfire 18

My grandma has multiple personlity disorder and it does not completely change who she is, it still does not make her think "o shit i need to break up with my husband for another person for my current personality"

What... Dissociative Identity Disorder is not the same as Bipolar Disorder, dump him. That makes me so mad that he's using mental illness as an excuse. Youre better off with out him OP

that was completely wrong of him to do and that you deserve better then that

charmanderisfire 18

I hope you mean ex boyfriend, op. He's an asshole and he does not deserve you.

Bi polar disorder and multiple personality disorder are different things.

your (hopefully ex) boyfriend is shit at making up excuses. Bipolar disorder makes you have mood swings, not multiple personalites. FYL

ticklebeard30 7

plausible but you should still break his legs