By tammy - 15/08/2010 17:24 - France

By tammy - 15/08/2010 17:24 - France
By triplenipple - 10/01/2011 20:35 - Sweden
By must.not.itch. - 02/06/2012 23:25 - United States - Hayward
By Urgghh - 16/05/2013 21:36 - United Kingdom - London
By Leashaness - 15/09/2012 11:07 - United States
By Anonymous - 27/11/2009 04:26 - United States
By Anonymous - 21/02/2011 03:28 - Canada
By Luna - 22/07/2012 02:30 - United States - Carmel
By Anonymous - 14/09/2011 16:34 - United States
By MikeNick - 17/12/2011 07:59 - United States
By Tampax - 30/09/2014 18:46 - Spain - Cuenca
I love breasts!
lmao that sucks...benadryl and ice is ur only option to make an attempt to go back to 2 breasts
ughh and because it's a bee sting it's probably all wrinkly and..ughhhhh
lmfao 20 I agree with you :D
i really hope youre not a guy
I boobies.
trying to make a porno?
believe it or not, there actually is a girl who has 3 breasts who did **** and you can still find it all over the Internet. but anyway, fyl OP. wear bug spray and if you plan on lounging outside, even in your own back yard, at least have the decency to wear a bikini top or something.
Rolf # 72
I am funny. Thank you.
For one, the OP said it was a wasp, not a bee. Also, what type of bee stings do you get that make your skin wrinkle 14, because I'm pretty sure when you swell up that can be considered just about the opposite to wrinkling. That's what happens when you get stung btw. You swell, you don't wrinkle.
#87 don't be a smart-ass
Today, a wasp stung my dick. Now I have two dicks. FML
When I got stung, I DID have a tshirt & bra on. I stupidly freaked & swatted the wasp when it landed on my boob. I only got stung once, but enough!!! :'(
thats no 3rd nipple... thats breast cancer biitch! the bee just put its cancer seamen in your breasts I bet that female bee liked your white nectar
Ydi for getting stung. Don't be such a baby and kill it before it stings you. Seriously, how do you get stung? I've thrown rocks at their nests and hit em with a weedeater and I've never been stung.
<3 boobs
sexyhamburger sexyhamburger
It's not obvious? She was ******* a midget.
OMG 60 you MUST give me the link to that video...I'm getting hard just thinking about it
17- We both like LSU, ha :D
pics or this isnt real. Trust me, i used to play doctor when i was 4.
pics or it didn't happen!
number 62 umm.... nipples are for both. I have nipples, and females nipples are often in or around my mouth... so , yeah ! OP, that really sucks. wasps are assholes
ok if u were stung on the nipple it would just look like one boob was bigger! not 3!
I agree with you must be small boobs to bee stung and be the size of a boob
It isn't funny, it is great! This is an amazing discovery. Now there is one to suck and two to fondle. It is perfect!
how'd a wasp sting your nipple in the first place??
147 go get a life
what were you doing nude outside tammy?
wasps can only sting one time and they die a few minutes after. unless there was more that one wasp, I call fake.
That hurts.
Keep a shirt on next time you go outside.
And a bra.
Happened to me once. HURTS!!!! Sorry, op..fyl!!
Keep a shirt on next time you go outside.
That's pretty funny