By Anonymous - 24/10/2012 22:43 - United States - Lahaina

Today, I learned that despite having told them two years ago, my parents still aren't accepting of me being gay. I found this out when my mom called and asked if I was "cured" yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 345
You deserved it 5 486

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm truly sorry. :( Having family who aren't accepting of who you are is tough. I'm bi but haven't told my family because I know how they would feel (which is not very positive).

That's just rude. Ask her if her severe case of ignorance has been "cured" as well.


dougpitts 3

You should not be gay Go **** a girl you'll find that it's awesome ******* queer

Tell her as soon as she's been cured of her being straight problem. Keep your chin up, it gets better, I promise!!!!

Tell her 'no' and explain that it's her fault you have this incurable genetic illness! :-)

My dad wanted to throw me out, when I told them... then he realized I already live alone. Took him a while to accept me as I am, and now he's perfectly fine with my boyfriend and everything. Good luck to you, too, don't lose hope. :)

Hey! Don't worry sooner or later they will have to accept it

Once you'r e grown up and living on your own, there's nothing that says you have to talk to your parents, if they make you feel like shit.

Just say "yes mom I'm "cured" thanks for asking!" Then hang up b

ronkster44 2

Haha!! You deserve it you sicko!

I understand the FML. Mine are in denial but they don't say anything... They just make fun of gays in front of me....

Rocky007 15

If you are interested, there ARE cures available.