By Anonymous - 24/10/2012 22:43 - United States - Lahaina

Today, I learned that despite having told them two years ago, my parents still aren't accepting of me being gay. I found this out when my mom called and asked if I was "cured" yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 345
You deserved it 5 486

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm truly sorry. :( Having family who aren't accepting of who you are is tough. I'm bi but haven't told my family because I know how they would feel (which is not very positive).

That's just rude. Ask her if her severe case of ignorance has been "cured" as well.


Hey bro just hold ur head up my family kicked me out and after 4 years have still asked if I'm cured ill be ok

Sorry OP my parents aren't accepting me yet either, and it's been three and a half years

It sucks, but it took my parents almost 10 years to start accepting me and our relationship will never be the same. But it does get better. :)

Oh I see you've caught it too. I hope they find a cure soon. I've called in gay to work so much this month, pretty sure my boss is fed up with it.

You can only play the gay card once a month, maximum!

yenidewi 11
AmyLeeEvFan 0

I'm sorry. I know exactly how it feels. Your mother should support you, not put you down. I know this from expirence.. I am a lesbian myself. =)

Perdition25 12

According to the number of "you deserve it" clicks, 169 people are retarded in the world.

The gay seems to be going around...I've caught it too. =( I'm really sorry to hear that your mom has taken that attitude towards your sexuality. I came out when I was really young (around 13) and my mom and I got into a huge fight, but after that, we just never spoke about it ever again. Ten years later and she still acts like I never told her anything. Though, I guess that's better than having to hear her bitch about it.