By Anonymous - 24/10/2012 22:43 - United States - Lahaina

Today, I learned that despite having told them two years ago, my parents still aren't accepting of me being gay. I found this out when my mom called and asked if I was "cured" yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 345
You deserved it 5 486

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm truly sorry. :( Having family who aren't accepting of who you are is tough. I'm bi but haven't told my family because I know how they would feel (which is not very positive).

That's just rude. Ask her if her severe case of ignorance has been "cured" as well.


conholio33 28

That sucks sorry OP... But as long as your happy isnt that all that matters

karen1991 15

There's nothing wrong with being gay!! Embrace the rainbow!!

wanted4myeyez 7

I agree with u but i am one gay that hates being equated to the rainbow...

I am bi sexual and very open about my sexuality. I told my family when I was fifteen and ive always liked girls they ignored it. It's their problem if they can accept you for who you are. You are wonderful and I'm so sorry your mum was such a bitch to you. Embrace the rainbow xxoo

I'm so sorry your mother is so unsupportive. It makes me sad to hear of a parent who doesn't accept their kid for who they are. I will love my kid the same, no matter what! I couldn't imagine ever feeling any different. I hope things get better for you!

Well, **** your parents, op. That's just downright ignorant, and they should learn that it isn't a disease. It's both something you're born with, and a choice. I chose my lesbian lifestyle and I've never been happier. :)

I'm proud of you coming out. She should be proud and supportive of you. Stay strong!

Here4theshow 17

"Cured?" That's disgusting... OP, U doubt you explaining things will help, so I would suggest getting some resources from PFLAG or another organization to show them that this is not a disease that can be cured.

I'm sorry my mother took it well she was cool but like you said my dad still thinks it wierd

Aw I'm sorry OP :( some people just don't understand it's not some "phase" or "sickness" and that it's really who you are! Just keep on living your life and be happy :) maybe its your parents to need to be "cured" haha