By Anonymous - 24/10/2012 22:43 - United States - Lahaina

Today, I learned that despite having told them two years ago, my parents still aren't accepting of me being gay. I found this out when my mom called and asked if I was "cured" yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 345
You deserved it 5 486

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm truly sorry. :( Having family who aren't accepting of who you are is tough. I'm bi but haven't told my family because I know how they would feel (which is not very positive).

That's just rude. Ask her if her severe case of ignorance has been "cured" as well.


I'm sorry, that's messed should try to sit down and talk to your parents about it. I haven't been there but that's what I would do. Good luck!

Sonotsuave 35

Man that sucks I'm sorry your mom isnt "living in 2012" yet lol. I know how yas feel one of my best guy friends is gay

Oh man...I'm sorry. I cannot stand people like that and your own parents!? That's so wrong. I'm sorry.

<p>Ask her if she's stopped being a bigot.</p>