By manicmandy - 01/08/2010 20:24 - United States

Today, I learned that ice cubes do not cool down hot oil. Instead, it causes a massive explosion of hot grease to splatter all over my parents' kitchen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 501
You deserved it 78 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments


awsomechick212 0

lol what a dumbass even 2nd graders no not to do that

i work at a fast food place and i threw a couple of ice cubes into a fryer... nothing happened other than a few bubbles...

blahfreakinblah 0

did you turn it up on high and squirt a lil lighter fluid on under the pan too? that prolly woulda helped....

Ye it shoud be basic knowledge that oil has a higher boiling temperature then water and that mixing hot oil ( easy over 100celsius ) with old water will cause explosive expansjon of water molacules into gass form and will make thy shitt blow up everywhere, but then again I work in chemesty basted industry so it might just be me :p but OP, atleast now you have learned that too :)

KJames_87 0

why r people on here so damn dumb!?! obvi oil and water do not mix clearly.... learn some of ur chemical properites and get it together!!!

Neoprit01_fml 0