By manicmandy - 01/08/2010 20:24 - United States

Today, I learned that ice cubes do not cool down hot oil. Instead, it causes a massive explosion of hot grease to splatter all over my parents' kitchen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 501
You deserved it 78 573

Same thing different taste

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What part didn't you know? That very hot + freezing = bad? Or that oil + water = don't mix? You could have killed yourself. And burned down your house. Are you just a kid? If so, please don't attempt to cook unless a parent is at home to supervise you. If you're an adult, go back to school. You're missing some basic information on how to keep from accidentally killing yourself.

what a total loser,never heard the saying ,oil and water DON'T MIX!!!!!

what a total loser,never heard the saying ,oil and water DON'T MIX!!!!!

what a total loser,never heard the saying ,oil and water DON'T MIX!!!!!

rb257 0

u idiot u should know that oil and water don't mix

mjcpaul 0

duh dude. hot oil + water = instant & explosive steam.

HAHAHHHAAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAAA HAHAHAHAHAHHHAAHAHA HAHAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA oh man that was great you just made my day so much better! haven't you heard of grease fires??? you're lucky the house didn't go up in flames.

OMFG. O_O You actually dropped an ice cube into hot grease? OMFG ROFLMAO LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Dumbass. Guy I go to school with tried that, burnt his whole kitchen down and got third-degree burns on his hand. They had to transplant skin from his ass to make his hand whole again. And this guy is 47 years old. -.- My God, people are retarded. It's people like you and him, OP, that should never be allowed out into general society. You'd kill us all by sheer accident.