By manicmandy - 01/08/2010 20:24 - United States

Today, I learned that ice cubes do not cool down hot oil. Instead, it causes a massive explosion of hot grease to splatter all over my parents' kitchen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 501
You deserved it 78 573

Same thing different taste

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To all the people saying "oil and water don't mix", while that's true, it's not the concept that's at work here. The problem is that the water boils practically instantly and the expanding gas causes the oil to splatter, not the fact that a small molecule polar substance and large molecule non-polar substance won't interact. If it helps, think of what happened as being physics rather than chemistry.

I think when people are saying 'oil and water don't mix' they aren't using it as a synonym for immiscible, they just mean it in a 'dont mix them, it'll end badly' kind of way.

#315/Cinn - I think you're probably right there, but I think they're using it that way for the wrong reason. I suspect a lot of the people heard that expression which is normally used as an analogy, and then re-applied it to this situation where it doesn't actually fit. I'm impressed that you're giving the average commentator on here the benefit of the doubt though! Hmm - I remember checking your profile once before because you said something that was insightful. Good to see smart people on here every once in a while.

Tbf the only reason I said anything is because I would use the phrase you mentioned. But I'd be using it in the way I stated. I also like to think that the average person isn't as stupid as the trolls make it seem. Also, I remember you making a comment about/in Icelandic, though I could be mistaking you for someone else. If it was you I agreed with that comment, which just goes to play in that intelligence is appreciated around here.

Ah yes. If I remember rightly, the Icelandic comment was because people were being Grammar Nazis to an Icelandic OP. You have a very good memory, and I owe credit to google translate! There are definitely some smart people on here, and I guess there are a lot of people who just don't comment. For around 7000 votes per FML, there are only a few "hurr, bewbs, sammich" posters.

Yeah, my memory is freakishly good sometimes. And it was for that reason. (And shush, don't tell people you had to look it up :P) And yeah, you're right. But if you look hard enough you can find them. They hide away from the trolls because it's dangerous territory.

Well duh. H2o makes hot oil SPLATTER everywhere whether solid or liquid. Turning DOWN the heat cools the oil down. =_= obviously

"Now you know and knowing is half the battle!"

Atleast the Go make me a sammich, or Shouldn't you be in the kitchen where you belong? jokes don't apply here. YDI OP

How do you not know water and oil don't mix? Why do you think they call an oil spill a disaster? Other than that YDI for not having the patience to wait untill the oil cools off by itself!

your a complete fucktard for not knowing how to deal with a grease fire. jump into it, if it happens again.

mjolene 0

how does anyone not know that you can't put ice in oil?? ******* moron

well why the **** did u put ice cubes in the hot water.

it also happens if you put frozen French fries in hot grease. my grandma did it and caught the cabinets on fire. but then again she also slammed her head in the car door and her heel in the refrigerator. don't ask