By Anon127 - 12/06/2012 02:40 - United States - Taunton

Today, I learned that instead of training my cat, she has been training me. She now refuses to drink anything but running tap water, and yowls loudly early in the morning at my bedroom door to be fed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 303
You deserved it 8 055

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I prefer elephants. They paint you pictures, share your love for peanuts, can carry you around effortlessly, and can even spray you with water on hot days. Besides, no one will pick a fight with you. That bumper sticker that says "Bitch, I have an elephant" tells everyone that you mean business.


Get one of those little fountains for cats (they sell them at petco) that constantly run water. And u can get one of the automatic feeders that feeds them at certain times

Don't give her anything to drink until she finally drinks tap water.... or dies

You don't train cats. Cats train you and make you love them for it. I trained my cats to come when called and to follow me around on cue. This means that regardless of anything I try, they will follow me around the house at my feet, from room to room, and cry loudly if there's a door stopping them.

ECWUSA1995 0

you should just kill that cat andget adog

lalalanono 8

You should just buy aspacebar and stfu.

CreepInTheCorner 11

Cats beg for food because they don't know when they are going to get their next meal. Therefore, they always seem to be hungry. And try filling a bowl up with the running tap water right in front of your cat so that they know it's fresh, and soon enough your cat will learn to take it from the bowl.

Take her to the vet for a check up, my cat did this and has hyperthyroidism. It makes her hungry and thirsty all the time, but feel sick too. If your cat acts weird or very rude there's a good chance she's sick.

lalalanono 8

Seconded. OP, I would urge you to take your kitty to the vet. I was recently experiencing this exact situation (only drinking running water, being loud) with my cat. We stupidly thought she was being cute, but it turned out she had advanced kidney failure, which is very painful. We had to have her put to sleep to end her misery. I hope your cat is just being bratty, but take her in just to be on the safe side or you'll never be able to forgive yourself.

Thirded! About eight months ago my cat started doing the same thing. Then she stopped eating, and when I brought her to the vet they said she had hyperthyroidism and lymphoma in her kidneys, which was causing her to feel thirsty all the time. Sadly she didn't make it, but during that time I did a lot of research and learned that any behavioral change, even something tiny, can be an indication that your cat is very sick. I hope you get her checked out soon!

Hydromicide 6

That's why you put a bowl of water down and make that cat drink, because it will if it needs it enough.