By benjamin03 - 26/07/2016 00:32
benjamin03_fml tells us more.
Op here! To clarify, I was a cross country practice which meets at the school. We run from there and end there at the weight room. I did end up getting soaked, mostly because we got stuck at a red light. Thanks for the comments!
Top comments
that's just funny, sucks bro (by bro I mean as a common announcement to show friendship and kindness, idk if you are mail or not
I've never seen an envelope or postcard run, so probably not mail.
Come on, you know what he's trying to say. Maybe English is their first language or auto correct messed them up.
You should do yourself a favour and get a less tight pair of knickers. It was just a great set up for a joke! You know, when people heart or read it and laugh?
It's even more of a motivator when you're straddling a bicycle.
run forest, run.
Man, I just posted the same thing and didn't see yours -pouts-
I could have used some of that motivation back in school running track against other schools.
As a xc runner, that is so over used.
I'll remember this advice for my next workout, thanks!
17, storms can form in just a few minutes. Especially if the op lives near a large body of water. My boyfriend ran into that at the beach the other day. When he got there, it was mostly blue skies and a few clouds. Little while later, he got drenched by a wall of rain.