By Peekaboo - 26/08/2011 17:25 - United States

Today, I learned that the "If I can't see you, you can't see me." rule is entirely false. Just because I can't initially see my creepy neighbor, doesn't mean he isn't watching me change my clothes through the blinds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 029
You deserved it 3 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Spaghetti7 5

Write "F*ck off" on the window in permanent marker.

hire a really old nasty guy to get undressed in the window the next day. that'll teach him.


outdoorsman22 0

Hey I am not a creepy stalker btw love the new couch

You can get you dad/grandpa/fatfriend to change I'n there with the blinds not closed... That'll teach him.

weird,creepy,gross,nasty,scary,freaky did i mention WEIRD yikes

You sould get a restraining order... oh and a new house wouldn't be such a bad idea either.

grovervac3000 15

He's a perv... you should like flip him the finger or something next time...

superbubbles 4

It's more like. If you can't see the persons eyes. They can't see your eyes. But there probably still looking at you. :O

Uh, it's not a rule. The phrase is, "if you can't see them, they can't see you" and it's what you say to little kids in plays so they don't peek out at the audience. Also, close your blinds.