By Demotivation - 23/08/2013 14:12 - Germany

Today, I learned that when a heavily-pregnant friend asks about my progress with the baby socks I promised to knit, it's rather unwise to tell her, "Not to worry, we're set even if it comes out with a few feet too many." She's still crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 977
You deserved it 12 654

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I agree, your life socks. (Anyone? No? I'll let myself out.)

AnOriginalName 19

Just walk away, OP. Just walk away.


It's just the hormones, she probably has too much going on right now. Just hug her and say you didnt mean to make her cry :)

150493x 29

Mums to be are always worried about their babies it's unfair to say that she was overreacting. Just the hormones, OP. She'll love the socks :)

KiddNYC1O 20

She will squeeze your hand to death!

hey u have to be set for all possibilities right?

OP, you did nothing wrong. Shes just overreacting because a.) shes a woman and b.) shes preggers.

Oh, the joys of pregnancy. I once cried because I couldn't break crab legs. I knew it was ridiculous but just couldn't help it. I have sympathy for both you and her :)

ViviMage 38

I'm not even sure what you said there. Don't say it again!

baby_shaker9000 5

Just giver her food and she'll be okay.

Pregnant women can be a bit crazy. Obviously her baby is not going to be born with more than two legs (unless it turns out to have a major deformity which is statistically unlikely), but her hormones won't let her see reason I guess! It was clearly just a light hearted joke about the fact that you'd knitted a lot of socks for her. Don't feel too bad. Hopefully your friend'll come to see that too.