By Demotivation - 23/08/2013 14:12 - Germany

Today, I learned that when a heavily-pregnant friend asks about my progress with the baby socks I promised to knit, it's rather unwise to tell her, "Not to worry, we're set even if it comes out with a few feet too many." She's still crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 977
You deserved it 12 654

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I agree, your life socks. (Anyone? No? I'll let myself out.)

AnOriginalName 19

Just walk away, OP. Just walk away.


she will find it funny when the pregnancy hormones calm down.

Are you sure she wasn't crying because you referred to her baby as an "it"? :P

Sorry OP but those hormones do make for a roller coaster ride when your pregnant. When I was pregnant I cried at commercials. I'm sure you'll laughs out this... Someday. :)

I did too... My little one is 4 months and I still catch myself tearing up lol

Pregnancy hormones do that to people... I bet she loves a good Hallmark commercial :)

RedPillSucks 31

There are some jokes you just don't tell.

graceinsheepwear 33

I agree. Birth defect jokes, for example.

AshesNicole623 17

Try not to beat yourself up too much. Pregnant ladies are crazy. I would know; I've gone through two of them.

This is quite possibly the best thing I've ever read. Gotta love those pregnancy hormones, OP!

It's a striped sweater the best type of sweater for you and me!!