By Demotivation - 23/08/2013 14:12 - Germany

Today, I learned that when a heavily-pregnant friend asks about my progress with the baby socks I promised to knit, it's rather unwise to tell her, "Not to worry, we're set even if it comes out with a few feet too many." She's still crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 977
You deserved it 12 654

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I agree, your life socks. (Anyone? No? I'll let myself out.)

AnOriginalName 19

Just walk away, OP. Just walk away.


JustStella 28

Gotta be careful with those pregnant women, OP. I joked with my cousin once about how her new giant milkshakes will bring all the boys to the yard. She accused me of calling her a cow and pushed me so hard my tailbone hurt for week.

AtomicDiamond87 15
Jake_Hale 7

*sensitive And it's understandable she's emotional right now due to her pregnancy.

When a woman is pregnant, her hormones are crazy. She's not being sensitive, she can't help it.

threer 30

I doubt she's usually 'sensative'.

She's just overreacting and being dramatic. Tell her that everything will be fine and that the baby will only have two feet, and it's out of everyone's control how many feet the baby has. If she doesn't get over it, then stop giving her attention and just walk away, leave her to sulk alone until she realizes how stupid she's being.

She's pregnant... Her hormones are way out of whack. It's not her fault that she's sensitive.

The hormones of a pregnant woman can be hard to deal with, no offense. Just let things calm down and be careful what you say next time.

Phew, I'm not the only one who thought of length rather than body parts. Which is odd considering we use meters here...

So do you pronounce your user name "to-MAH-toes" instead of "to-MAY-toes"?

She was probably raped by a squid and doesn't know how to tell anyone. Just be there for her, OP. She'll appreciate it in the future.

Lol poor thing! Just understand that she's got so many hormones running through her she can barely function, and if it's her first baby she could easily already be fearful that it will be deformed without any outside joking. You're not in the wrong at all, just try to be sympathetic rather than annoyed :)

Humor and heavily pregnant women overflowing with hormones do not mix...usually. I'm sure there are exceptions! You guys will laugh about this after her baby is born. :)

I found the sense of humor in your reply OP. sorry about your friend. Hope she feels better soon.

Well, now you know that humor and pregnancy are not compatible and can avoid similar situations in the future!