By Anonymous - 10/05/2011 05:12

Today, I learned what a nail gun shooting my leg feels like. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 248
You deserved it 11 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ryrywakaka 0

now you can hang a picture on your leg

That's impressive. Where did your nail gun learn to shoot?


witherlyb 0

what was the nail gun shooting your leg with?

nonamericandolla 6

geez what wrong with u!!!????

I once shot myself in the foot with one, it hurts incredibly

Me too. 3 inch nail into your thigh sucks

FirebirdF350 7

So, with that nail in your leg and all, yeah, time for me to pull it back out with some needle nose and a knife.

I shot a framing nail through a board and into my hand once. I quickly ripped my hand off, stood up, and projectile vomited everywhere. Blood AND guts went into building that house. Ha