By Anonymous - 10/05/2011 05:12

Today, I learned what a nail gun shooting my leg feels like. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 248
You deserved it 11 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ryrywakaka 0

now you can hang a picture on your leg

That's impressive. Where did your nail gun learn to shoot?


ghostfaceninjja 1

inch and a half long industrial staples are better. XD oh, fun times in high school. haha

BAMF519 0

you know what I'm not even going to ask.

can u show me what its like to get a nail threw ur eye?

how far was the distance? i mean, if someone shot you with the nailgun a meter away, it wouldnt hurt that much.

dchswr85 6

been there, done that. not fun at all.

did you press it against your leg or what?

alexg823 0

Wait, you never said what it feels like.

pYrO92583 0
YoungBanks 3

Taylor Gang or get shot with a nail gun.