By Anonymous - 05/08/2009 11:04 - India

Today, I left my brand new iPhone on the counter, and went to get its cleaning cloth. My grandmother saw a mosquito, and used my iPhone as a fly swatter. I now have a broken iPhone. Good news though: no more mosquito. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 830
You deserved it 5 779

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seriously, how many different ways can people on this website get their iPhones broken?


Damn you number two, you made me lose the game. That sucks tho lol.

skullbuster 0

The "Jesus phone" stories are the only ones on FML that make me cry. I know the pain of losing an iPhone and nobody should have to bear it. You tell Grandma to get you a new one, even if she has to earn the money on her back to pay for it!!! If she puts up a fight, hide her medication.

That really sucks, but the mental image of a grandma using an iphone as a swatter is kinda funny. Maybe the app makers will read this FML and make like an iswatter. ;) lol.

skullbuster 0

In all fairness, iPhones really aren't all that pricey these days. It's hardly the $599 I plunked down for my first one.... Hell, you can get a refurb on the AT&T site for $49.00 USD

Poonmagnet 0

Put that bitch in a retirement home!! She is already 5ft under!!

YDI for having an iphone. Isn't there an app that will form a flyswatter and kill it for you?

mnkyc_mnkydo 5

hmmm... i don't think that mosquito smashing will be covered by the warranty....

Today I was iPhoning somebody with my iPhone to tell them how great my iPhone is, when I noticed my iPhone was smudged. So I went to get my iPhone iCleaning iCloth in the bathroom, but iDropped my iPhone into the sink. iPhone iPhone iPhone. FML Couldn't you just say "my cell phone" and "it"? It doesn't really matter what kind of phone it is per se unless it's a model that's very rare or in short supply; it'd suck just the same for any expensive new cell phone. FYL anyway for being out hundreds of dollars for no reason, though.