By Anonymous - 05/08/2009 11:04 - India

Today, I left my brand new iPhone on the counter, and went to get its cleaning cloth. My grandmother saw a mosquito, and used my iPhone as a fly swatter. I now have a broken iPhone. Good news though: no more mosquito. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 830
You deserved it 5 779

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seriously, how many different ways can people on this website get their iPhones broken?


theres an automatic 90 day guaruntee

Use her head as a flyswatter next time you see a bug on the wall.

triplethreat13 0

i got an ipod touch instead of an iphone because it does all the same stuff (including texting, but not calling), it's cheaper, AND so i can still have my awesome verizon phone. and for anybody who tries to say "that's why you have insurance"....the majority of insurance policies do not cover self-inflicted damages. in this case it was not inflicted by the OP but someone in his/her family, which still counts as self-inflicted. insurance will not pay for a smashed iphone if the cause is a senile person trying to attack a mosquito, especially because the OP left it unattended. i would say FYL but i'm going to have to say YDI because it could have easily been avoided. that does suck though!

skullbuster 0

Thanks for the 'iTouch' plug, but I have been stuck using one for a couple days while my iPhone is in for repair and, believe me, they are not the same. Between the rigged texting, the limited connectivity due to dependence on availability of wi-fi...**** THAT SHIT and hand me my iphone!

I call ******* bullshit, no one is that ******* stupid. Nice try. oh and it wasn't funny. you suck. Also, you have an iPhone, no wonder you have such a strong sense of unwarranted self importance.

triplethreat13 0

yeah the wi-fi is not ideal, i must admit.

You've never met an old Indian lady, have you? Because you just proved yourself an ignorant fucktard.

what the hell... is your iPhone made out of pudding?

fantasy_ 0

wow that sucks FYL and YDI for leaving ur iPhone there...hope u have insurance for it!

happyfeet312 0

wow, if you were already feeling the need to clean your i-phone right after getting it, YDI! ..or you are really greasy and should keep the cloth with you at all times.