By Anonymous - 19/05/2013 04:16 - United States - Great Falls

Today, I lent a pair of expensive headphones to a "friend" for the weekend. As a thank-you, he bought me a soda. He moved this weekend, taking the headphones with him. I lost a $250 pair of headphones for a $1 soda. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 197
You deserved it 21 391

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Never lend to friends. Remember the notepad FML?

Tbh who lends someone $250 pair of head phones. Should of just bought him a $3 pair from a supermarket.


Beats me why he wouldn't tell you he was moving. How long did you know this imbecile? I never let my best friends of 10 years+ even borrow a toothpick.

I would think that you know other people who know him and maybe you can find out from them where he is. You can also go to the police and file as this amount is a felony. If you do find him don't confront him. Just call the police and he will be in a world of hurt.

To hell with the police, call Judge Judy. You're more likely to get a positive outcome on something that should go to small claims court there than trying to get felony charges on a he-said-she-said case.

A friend wouldn't have asked to borrow them in the first place.

Don't lend things just can treat your Friends to lunch but just don't lend things doesn't really always pan out the right way...

Also look him up on Facebook and other sites. And, like others, I think $200+ headphones are stupid and loaning them to a friend who need quotation marks around that word may be God's way of saying you shouldn't have spent that much money on them in the first place?

I'm sorry, op, but I must ask.... why on earth do you have $250 headphones? I always get the $25 ones at best buy with the microphone so I can talk on the phone without holding my phone. go buy one of those!

You're not a very good friend if you didn't even know he was moving this weekend. And if he indeed is not such a close friend, then why would you lend him such an expensive item ? YDI on this one, I'm afraid.

Make him mail them back. Or report him for theft?