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By Anonymous - 15/02/2014 22:44 - United States - Carlisle

Today, I told my husband how frisky I was feeling, and asked him what he was going to do about it. He reached into our fruit bowl, tossed me a banana and told me to work it out, then returned to his video game. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 819
You deserved it 8 835

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haha sorry but that is funny and sad though, sorry op. Maybe you should do the same thing to him when he asks for some give him some lotion.

Tell him you're thinking about finding a new joystick since his doesn't seem to be working anymore.


haha sorry but that is funny and sad though, sorry op. Maybe you should do the same thing to him when he asks for some give him some lotion.

Well #55. Just like many women...sometimes men are just not in the mood and rather do something else they enjoy doing.

actually 67, turning a girl down only makes it better when you go at it a little later.

shadowfighter10 9

With all the "sorry"s in this, I would guess #1 is canadian

tunti 11

If he's feeling in the mood sometime, toss him a donut and tell him to have a good time.

I'm trying to figure out how he was close enough to a fruit bowl. was he gaming in the kitchen?

#127 lol no I'm not a Canadian, I was born and raised in the states.

Just think if this was the other way around it wouldn't be an FML

this is so funny I'm sorry that's wrong

an FML that's funny?!? No. WAY!!! Sorry, sarcasm courses through my veins.

Damned_Architect 25

Does your husband have low testosterone or something?

Why is everyone giving this guy the thumbs down? This is sense.

RedPillSucks 31

Or he's just not in the mood.

Low testosterone makes men "not in the mood." I really don't get why this was thumbed down.

Because "testosterone is a steroid right bro?" "Yeah bro that Yankees guy got busted for testosterone steroid shots right bro?" "Yeah bro and steroids shrink your dick so low testosterone is good, right bro?" "Yeah bro, Thumb that idiot down he obviously doesn't know what testosterone is bro." Sorry I couldn't help myself after hearing a similar conversation this morning at the gym. And it would explain the thumbs.

#98 Thats not at all true. high testosterone doesnt mean high sex desire

142 that's not what #98 said at all. Just to clear this up after my sarcastic rant above. You will be a lot more interested in sex with good/high test levels. Low test levels pretty much make you forget what a penis is for.

Tell him you're thinking about finding a new joystick since his doesn't seem to be working anymore.

yeah, leave him and sleep with another dude because he wanted to play a video game at the time.

Cwizer 17

Hahaha bring the banns to his face and "wing it"

cryssycakesx3 22

is this even a sentence? banns?....

Cwizer 17

But doesn't autocorrect only correct to actual words

cryssycakesx3 22
cryssycakesx3 22

bamns: a notice read out on three successive Sundays in a parish church, announcing an intended marriage and giving the opportunity for objections.

You spelled it right the first time. Also, I don't think that word is common anymore.

cryssycakesx3 22

ah, yes. banns* please forgive.

olpally 32

Sex or video games. Seriously, this shouldn't be a difficult choice in most guys minds.

I know right? GTA all day. You can even have the strippers called to your house like pizza now.

Everything at the Strip Club is free this weekend.

RedPillSucks 31

Didn't seem like it was a difficult choice for OPs husband.

I'm a girl and I wouldn't have even paused the game to toss the banana.

You would be surprised ha my boyfriend sometimes does this!

kellysquared 2

Yea right my bf plays call of duty every night . We only have sax once a week . I'm sick of that but he thinks it's enough

I bet this comment earned you lots of pm's.