By Anonymous - 13/05/2009 18:49 - United States
demonpuppy tells us more.
Hey you guys, the OP here! I just wanted to clear some things up. My puppy is very sweet. She has never pulled anyone else while on the leash. She's actually one of the most timid dogs I've ever owned and yes, I have owned dogs before and I know the breed. But because she is a puppy anomaly and doesn't pull, I thought it would be ok for my niece to walk her as I walked next to them. Also, this took place in my fenced off back yard. I do however have a stone terrace, which is where my niece got pulled over on. I know that my niece getting hurt is probably my fault and I've now learned that my puppy goes crazy when there are squirrels in sight. I've apologized to my sister-in-law. My niece is fine, she was back up and playing within minutes, but her mother wont let her near my puppy and I got a talking to. So, hope that clears some things up for you guys.
Top comments
you're an idiot for letting your small niece walk your puppy. you are responsible.
awwwww the puppy has a bad rep
same thing happened to me when i was little. except it was a full grown golden retriever and my aunt had thrown food infront of him so he darted dragging me with him... yeah that hurt..
You guys saying that huskies are terrible, dangerous dogs have NO understanding of the breed. The wolfish nature was barely bred out of the Siberian Husky. As a result, if you do not show them leadership and control, they will assume that THEY are the alpha wolf and treat you as its underling. This is why people who get a husky because "They look soooooo cooool!" end up having serious behavior issues such as food stealing, aggression, refusal of obedience, etc. Anyone who gets ANY dog without doing the proper research on its breed (if the breed is known) is ASKING FOR IT. Huskies are WONDERFUL dogs. It takes time and commitment to train one properly - they live to work, and if you don't give them work, they'll give YOU work. They are among the most intelligent of breeds and require lots of time and energy to shape them into the perfect companion. If you are not willing, as a dog owner, to take the time necessary to train your dog no matter what it's breed, you have NO BUSINESS getting a dog - especially one from the working class. If you simply blame the breed for YOUR stupidity, you don't deserve to have the animal. There is no such thing as a bad dog - just bad owners. The OP could have had a pitiful teacup chihauha for all I care - untrained puppy + small child = DISASTER.
lol #131's little rant on dogs is funny and more than a little creepy considering how obsessed they sound. and i wish i had a demon puppy lol
You deserve this. 3 months is far too young for a puppy to have the slightest understanding of his/her strength. Plain and simple. No child should walk a dog on a leash until the dog understands that. Emphasize on the word dog, not puppy. And for those of you who say it can't be done and that children should never walk dogs, think again. I let my 7 year old niece walk my 130 lb gentle giant all the time. I just make sure it's on a cat free street and that she knows the second he pulls the lead to drop it. It takes a lot of training on the dog's side, an understanding from the child, and a watchful adult in an environment without triggers for the dog. It is a lot of work, but it means the world to my little niece.
you are a ******* idiot. of course a husky puppy can pull a 5 year old. dumb ass. what is wrong with humanity. did half the earth just consumed large amounts of ****-tard juice?

I clicked both "I agree, your life is f***ed" and "you deserved that one". While you didn't know its strength, you should *not* have let your niece handle it.
Stupid that she's not allowed near the puppy anymore. The puppy didn't mean any harm, your niece probably barely even cared about getting hurt, and her mom is just feeding a possible fear for puppies and/or dogs.