By melon squash - 11/09/2016 10:15 - Belgium - Kessel-lo

Today, I lifted up a watermelon, not realising it had gone bad. The thing exploded like an alien giving birth. Stinking juice and rotten inside all over the kitchen. Even behind the build-in closets. It smells like rotten fruit cheese and I can't reach behind the closets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 567
You deserved it 1 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LostInTheZone11 29

On the plus side your wording is top notch.

That sounds terrible, but I laughed pretty hard at the term "fruit cheese." I wish you luck getting it cleaned up. You definitely don't want that smell sticking around.


I hear that's a good way to keep the in laws at bay.

BDanzeisen 20

How long was it sitting in your home?

We once had a watermelon explode without knowing it on our kitchen counter... kept wondering why our kitchen smelled like Elephant Ears (funnel cakes)

I don't think Elephant Ears smell bad lol, but hey, you tried with the description. :)

The writing sounds like a person in complete disstress. And I don't blame you OP, I would be too!

TIL watermelons that go bad explode... Thanks OP for helping me avoid future alien births.

Didn't even know watermelons could go bad

go get a professional cleaner it will attract so many creatures

How do you know how aliens give birth?

LostInTheZone11 29

cabinets. I don't have a joke. but the word is cabinets. and bleach. just pour it down in there and leave for a day or two.

Cabinet, in the sense of a closet or cupboard, is a mainly North American term. In the UK and many other English speaking countries, they're usually called cupboards (and sometimes closets). Since OP is in Belgium, I think we can allow for the use of the term closet (and I could be wrong, but I believe that in French, the word for closet and cabinet/cupboard is the same—or has a slight variation. Belgium is a French speaking country).

TacoTheDank 27

ew, I've smelled rotten watermelon before and it's so gross. I'm so sorry for you. FYL, OP