By melon squash - 11/09/2016 10:15 - Belgium - Kessel-lo

Today, I lifted up a watermelon, not realising it had gone bad. The thing exploded like an alien giving birth. Stinking juice and rotten inside all over the kitchen. Even behind the build-in closets. It smells like rotten fruit cheese and I can't reach behind the closets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 567
You deserved it 1 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LostInTheZone11 29

On the plus side your wording is top notch.

That sounds terrible, but I laughed pretty hard at the term "fruit cheese." I wish you luck getting it cleaned up. You definitely don't want that smell sticking around.


This is most beautifully written fml...well done OP

there is a couple things I can think that would help to fix the smell, turn off the poer to the kitchen and use a high pressure water system behind the cupboards (you'll have to clear any benches underneath first and amything you don't want getting wet, also use a power source in a different room). then use a thin straw on a can of glen 20 and spray in any gaps under the cupboard this will help get rid of most if not all the smell ☺

annie_zoo 27

ahhhh the same thing happened last summer, the smell is revolting

Thanks for the nice replies! Sorry for the mix of UK and US English. That's what you get when your main practice of a language is television and music ;-) So one question: when they say "he is coming out of the closet" do they really mean the toilet then? Oh dear, must be an awful bloody mess ;-)))