By nekkiddrunk - 14/01/2010 02:04 - United States

Today, I locked myself, drunk and naked, out of my hotel room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 895
You deserved it 40 591

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What's so bad about that? You were drunk and free. That's a win.

idiot i would have laugh at you and taken pictures to laugh at you later in life


Thats a sure sign that tonight was a great night...You deserve for knowing how to party!

theman34 0

wonderful congrats on being a dumb ass

rosesdarkblue 0

We're all naked underneath out clothes, so we should all be ashamed. shame shame shame

what were you doing in the hotel corridor drunk and naked in the first place ?

iSwag 0

haha that does suck but you'll laugh about it a couple years from now @#4: because most people that drink sometimes have a few too many and almost everybody that has been drunk has done SOMETHING stupid...but that's a little high on the scale lol hope it never happens to me

Haha I reckon anyone who thinks YDI doesn't know how to party! That would suck! But you're a legend for getting yourself into that situation... 

Americunt 0

YDI for drinking and not knowing to control yourself. Manwhore/*****.