Fun vacation times

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I needed to relax, so I ordered room service at my hotel. When I was finished, I went to put the tray outside, not thinking about needing a key to get back in. I locked myself out of my room, wearing smiley face underwear in a $250 a night hotel. I had to go to the lobby to get a new key. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 459
You deserved it 27 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I got locked out of my room on a cruise ship wearing a skimpy nightgown and my boyfriend was taking an exceedingly long shower in the cabin. Even though I banged on the door for nearly 20 minutes, he didn't come out to open the door. When he finally came to the door I said "Couldn't you hear me banging on the damn door the whole time?" and he said that he "heard the noise but figured if it was important I was the one who would have answered the door." I told him "Yeah, you see how well that worked out!" It happens.

Take off the underwear and recreate an austin powers scene ? (:


Take off the underwear and recreate an austin powers scene ? (:

GR3453m0nk3y 4

eh, it could've been worse i once sleep-walked in a hotel and ended up asleep in the middle of the lobby in NY

i_is_a_tr00l 0

At least you weren't masturbating. Oh, wouldn't that be a treat?

Oh, because the "$250 a night hotel" part is completely necessary. Hey guys, lets brag about how douche-y we all are! Fag.

I got locked out of my room on a cruise ship wearing a skimpy nightgown and my boyfriend was taking an exceedingly long shower in the cabin. Even though I banged on the door for nearly 20 minutes, he didn't come out to open the door. When he finally came to the door I said "Couldn't you hear me banging on the damn door the whole time?" and he said that he "heard the noise but figured if it was important I was the one who would have answered the door." I told him "Yeah, you see how well that worked out!" It happens.

don't worry, hotel staff deal with people locked out of their room all the time, and unlike some of them you were WEARING underwear at the time.

gigi37 0

OP said she was wearing underwear, but nothing about having a bra on...

What kind of medium-expensive hotel doesn't have a service phone in the hall? Fake to me. (Aaand, not to mention what kind of clothes you wear, grow up!) YDI

Reyo 2

What's wrong with you? I'd kill for a pair of smily face underwear. I'd display it as if it were a trophy. Are those- WHY YES THEY ARE!! >:D

@8: probably because the guests are at least richer and more sophisticated than average and therefore wearing smile face underwear becomes more embarassing. @OP: pics or it didn't happen ;p

bananamilkshake, get a life!! What the **** is wrong with smiley-face boxers?

Ariel881 0

I don't know about you, but I have the ability to hold the door open with one hand and set a tray on the floor with the other hand. Is there a place down the hall where you dispose of the tray and other stuff you ordered?