By emergencyroom - 15/03/2014 12:21 - United States - Parkton

Today, I locked myself out and had to enter my house via the back door. Thinking I was an intruder, my 7-year-old daughter slammed a metal rake into the back of my head. Nice to know she can take care of herself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 469
You deserved it 9 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tpm45 25

Hey, at least she'd have been safe if it was an intruder.


She is set for life... Great job raising her!!!

you could've knocked instead of being knocked!

Get well soon...but you had a badass daughter I would be proud

You've done a great job a raising her!

doglover100 28

Why didn't you knock on the door?

I would actually be pretty happy about the fact that my 7-year-old is able to defend herself against an intruder.

nitrog100 21

Neat. You've raised yourself a fine daughter.