By GshDrnt - 21/04/2011 02:57 - United States

Today, I logged on to Facebook and had 64 notifications. I thought that perhaps I was popular. But no, it was my ten year old sister, liking 64 of my pictures. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 172
You deserved it 6 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chickunkey 0

Be glad, at least someone loves you. :'(

As you can tell you are quite popular.


Heather_x0x0 6

hey, at least your sister likes your pix....wait. your 10 year old sis has a FB? wow...

I think it's sweet that she did that. A lot of people have mean siblings. So You should be happy you have a nice sister.

the infamous comment eater is back I guess... 0.o As I said before, cry a little. No one commented on your facebook. Boohoo.

JackyIdkk 7

lol ur 10 year old sis have a facebook :D

You can't be truly "popular" on Facebook, because most of those people aren't truly your "friends". How many of your Facebook "friends" would you trust with housesitting duties if you went on vacation for 2 weeks? Huh? Think of it from another point of view, OP.

Oh ye gods of FML, please excuse my commented ragging on the OP about nobody commenting her facebook. I didn't realize that was against commenting regulation. I guess that's TWO warnings under mah belt.

To those of you saying most of the people on OP's friend list arent real friends, stfu. If you're adding people you don't know on facebook, you're the dumbass here. Facebook is supposed to be a site for socializing with people you actually know. That's why when random people try to friend you it asks you if you KNOW that person. That's why when you add someone else, it says "please only add this person if you KNOW them." And besides that, how the **** do you guys know if OP's friends arent actually people he or she knows? **** off and get lives, and go to myspace if you're gonna friend a bunch of dipshits you dont even know. As for OP, I'm sorry. But popularity isn't everything, and at least you know what your little sis likes the stuff you post. Maybe that's a sign that you could do some bonding over things related to those pics. Or bonding in general. Ir could be her way of saying she looks up to you. Who knows? But all the same it's still a positive thing. Try to make the best of it, and don't sweat it. You'll be just fine. :)

WOODYfromthaBAY 0
DCFan 9

Did anybody actually read this novel?!? Me neither.

cptmorgan15 2

Not everyone you know is your friend 41. What the people are saying is she may have friends on facebook that she knows but aren't really her friends in person. Don't be a dumbass.

thebestof1984 0

haha 63! I gave up after 2 sentences!!!!