By GshDrnt - 21/04/2011 02:57 - United States

Today, I logged on to Facebook and had 64 notifications. I thought that perhaps I was popular. But no, it was my ten year old sister, liking 64 of my pictures. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 172
You deserved it 6 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chickunkey 0

Be glad, at least someone loves you. :'(

As you can tell you are quite popular.


Lol alot of ppl r asking y a 10 year old has a facebook...My 7 year old sis has a fb, but I just use it to send me stuff frm apps:p

Oh my gosh, that has happened to me before , Hahah,

myalleyway 9

facebook is for 13 and up

doglover100 28

Awww that's cute but an 11 year old shouldn't be on Facebook.

needsagf14 12

Well at least someone likes you