By GshDrnt - 21/04/2011 02:57 - United States

Today, I logged on to Facebook and had 64 notifications. I thought that perhaps I was popular. But no, it was my ten year old sister, liking 64 of my pictures. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 172
You deserved it 6 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chickunkey 0

Be glad, at least someone loves you. :'(

As you can tell you are quite popular.


Am I the only person who immediately thought of Nintendo 64 upon reading this? I thought after 100+ comments somebody would've mentioned it already. But it's nice to see one of my favorite numbers in an FML. Anyway, OP, at least your sister was trying to be nice. :/

nooooope, not at all. but really, my sister has two facebook accounts, and she, on several occasions, has "tagged" several of my pictures (as both of her facebook "personalities"), in addition to "liking" them. to make it worse, she will tag me in pictures i'm not even in. |the kid|

Haha I bet all of the pictures that she liked had her in them.

bazingaman10 0

hey, at least you're popular to your sister.

my boyfriend's friend did that but it was 97 pictures.

your sister is a wonderful blessing and a reminder that children embody all that we forget as we get older.

haha I do that to people sometimes to annoy them. :)

kaylala33 1
PopRocks14 0

why does your 10 year old sister have a fb lmao!