By amused - 23/06/2014 21:26 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I looked at my bank balance. It read $1.23. That's higher than it usually is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 564
You deserved it 8 741

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Every bit counts! Especially in this economy...


At least that balance is in the black.

At least it's a positive number. Could be worse.

kingdomgirl94 29

cause they're so easy to come by these days.

Actually #65 there is plenty of work out there, you just have to put in effort, I have just left school not even two weeks ago, have had one job interview and got the job already, you just have to accept a maybe more tedious job and work your way up XD

kingdomgirl94 29

Depending on where you are, there is no work. I had to leave Ontario and go to Alberta for the summer because no where was hiring, even at the crappy retail level. Most of my friends ended up moving for the summer because there's no work where we go to university. Just because you lucked out and were able to find a job doesn't mean there's easily available work everywhere for everyone.

I think you forgot the "k" behind it :D

nlm92 15

I might be assuming too much but get a job yo. If you already have one maybe look into a savings account where you can put, say 80% of your pay away and have the rest for spending. I've been there before, but more often than not we put ourselves in those situations.

Damn, wish I earned enough that I could afford to put 80% of my income straight into savings!

nlm92 15

It doesn't have to be 80. Any amount at all adds up over time

kingdomgirl94 29

Damn, wish I earned enough that I could afford to have savings! Ever think that there's nothing left? The only people those plans work for are teenagers living with mom and dad who pay no bills and don't have any financial responsibilities.

#47 Spoken like a person with no bills.

When you're at a certain income level, then saving or not becomes a choice. I have a college degree and a fairly well-paid job, share a house with friends and generally don't spend much, so that I can save a lot of money for future projects (but by no means 80% of my income!). People who are in a situation like me, decide to spend their money on parties and expensive clothes, and then complain that they're broke, do put themselves in that situation. But unless you know that OP has a well-paid job and spends his money on things he doesn't need, you have NO right whatsoever to judge him. People who have to work hard every day to barely make a living have my greatest respect, that's definitely not an easy life.

Don't cry about it. Do something about it.

Merridew 8

Stop complaining and go earn money

91hayek 31

Yeah, just let me get my helmet to get in the cannon. Can't wait to get to the jobbies.

emily4040 18

Look on the bright side, you're richer than the U.S government.