By Razi_tail - 25/06/2014 04:13 - United States - Nixa

Today, I lost my dog while hiking. After searching the trails for an hour and a half, he was by the car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 470
You deserved it 8 563

Razi_tail tells us more.

Razi_tail 25

I figured one of two things would happen: 1. He was in the same area we got separated or 2. He went back to the car. I chose to search the first option before getting a phone call that somebody found my dog. He has 3 ways to id him: dog park tag, name tag, and microchipped. It was the park tag that somebody had called on.

Top comments

At least you found him OP. You have a very smart dog.

TheKingKen 22

Smart dog. S/he knows exactly where to go back to when you lost each other


middlenamefrank 8

One word: Leash. You should never allow a dog to roam on a hiking trail without one. They're predators, and if they see a squirrel, a deer, or even a bear, they'll be off like a shot and you may literally never see them again. Keep them on a leash whenever you're in the wild.

Smart dog. Glad you found him. Maybe next time put a detector on home or something.

When I first read it, I thought it said he was hit by a car, and I was like "wtf!"

TahoeFMler 22

My asshole dog does this all the time too! Twice now I've rehiked the trails looking for her, just to see her napping by the car! Dogs like to run and smell, and chase squirrels. Leashes shouldn't be used when there are no people around!

As mentioned by someone else, there are still predators around, cars, and they can still run away or chase an animal. If your dog has taken off on you twice I would use a leash next time (maybe even one of the retractable ones so he has further to roam) because next time he may not be waiting by your car!

But at least you found him, and you have a pretty smart dog if he went to the car

I agree, it doesn't matter how trained your dog is, it's good to have them on a leash because of situations like these!

Jesswokethisfall 11

you could look at it with the glass half full at least you found him^^

You have a smart pooch. Be happy, your pup is safe and sound and you got a little extra exercise when you thought he was lost. :)