By ThisGirl - 21/08/2012 02:30 - United States - Kennesaw

Today, I lost two terabytes' worth of photos to a friend's incompetence. He said he could save me some money and fix my slow computer for free. He ended up wiping the hard drive, and along with it, my photography portfolio from the last five years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 298
You deserved it 16 468

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is why you have an external hard drive to save these important things onto when you are letting someone unqualified (I'm guessing) mess with your stuff.

theslimshadylp 6

Holy shit five years? I would give your friend the wrath of God if I were you.


j3ebrules 13

There are programs that recover wiped material - google it. Trials are often free.

What kind of computer has a two terabyte harddrive?

#294 Mine, built from scratch, has a 2TB harddrive. And that's just my backup.

franconssj 1

Your own ******* fault for not backing up dumbass, don't blame anyone but yourself

stuff like that needs to backed up especially before a computer gets sent to the shop I feel bad for your loss op

sure two terabytes pictures range from 1kb to 200kb so two terabytes would be over 1,000,000 photos dumbass

I hope you calmly took a baseball bat to his head and hit him repeatedly.

always backup important files darlin allllwwwaaaayys

2 Terabytes? That is a shit ton of pictures, around 2 million. Over the last 5 years that averages to 1100+ pictures a day, or 45 per hour. I call bullshit on "2 Terabytes of pictures" unless there is a 15% chance you take a picture every time you blink. I mean that is a LOT of space, maybe your friend just wanted to get rid of all the **** he stashed on your computer, video files actually have some size compared to photos.

5 years of your portfolio? You DEFINITELY should have had that backed up in 2 different places. YDI for being careless with your work.