By ThisGirl - 21/08/2012 02:30 - United States - Kennesaw

Today, I lost two terabytes' worth of photos to a friend's incompetence. He said he could save me some money and fix my slow computer for free. He ended up wiping the hard drive, and along with it, my photography portfolio from the last five years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 298
You deserved it 16 468

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is why you have an external hard drive to save these important things onto when you are letting someone unqualified (I'm guessing) mess with your stuff.

theslimshadylp 6

Holy shit five years? I would give your friend the wrath of God if I were you.


I'm going to say YDI. Yes, your friend was sort of an idiot for deleting your files, it was your job to keep up and backup your work. 1. I too thought that 2 TB was an insane amount of photos, but then I realized that the OP may have had one of those high end quality cameras, such as Canon or Nikon which cost several hundred dollars. For instance, say that each of the photos is 20MB a piece. Then that would give her 5 photos for every 100MBs. And if 100MBs X 10 equals 1 Gig, then that gives her 50 Photos for every gig. and if there's 1000 gigs for every Terabyte, then she could have as low as 50,000 photos in her portfolio. 2. I don't know about you, but External Harddrives could be cheap. If you look for the right deals, a 1TB drive from Iomega or Seagate could cost as little as $89.99. It's a sound investment to store your valuable work on...

This is exactly why it's so important to keep a backup of anything important.... though I bet your computer will run faster now.

Tossing 8

My old roommate found a way to recover photos he had lost due to him reformatting. You should look into it.

lilicoco_fml 5

So, something of THAT much importance....taken over the course of 5 years....and you NEVER thought "hey, I should really copy these onto a flash drive or a back up hard drive in case something happens!"? Seriously? I hope you take a pretty picture...because you obviously don't have much of a thinking process...

talloctopus 7

Terabytes? Seriously. Why would you let your friend near that?

pretty dumb move on your side not to have a back up

Erm so you haven't heard of backing up then?! Even if the genius hasn't wiped your hard drive, it would've failed anyway and you would've still lost them all! Anyway find a proper computer guy/girl and ask them to use the recovery software to get most of it back ;)

If you even took he ime to look around, most electronic retailers have discounts and deals when it comes to External Hard Drives. Why even at Staples on Sunday ( as of 08/26/2012) They have 1-2TB drives from Western Digitl and Seagate for as low as $100-$200. I'm assuming that you're a professional photographer to have that many photos, but if you've spend a few hundred dollars on a DSLR Camera ( Such as the ones from Nikon and Canon) You can afford a drive to store your work. No wonder your computer was slow...