By Blazouta - 11/11/2008 08:32 - France

Today, I'm 20 and I'm going bald. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 068
You deserved it 4 572

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Eir_fml 1

Patrick Stewart was bald at about 20. Become an actor, and play on Star Trek, and other things. Ha.

At age 18 my boyfriend went bald and lost his hearing in one ear. Bald men are sexy imo.


tbeaun, im gonna come and rip your scrotum off.

i'm 21 and already bald. at first i was devastated over it. now i have learned to live with it. sometimes it is painful. FML

same here, started at 18, dont worry about it

i kinda feel that pain. my dads hair turned gray in his 20s. if i end up inheriting that, its gonna suck. not as bad as goin bald tho. gray hair can kinda look mature on the brighe side. still, i dont want gray hair, and i wouldnt want to be bald either for that matter

I started at 15ish I believe, at least I noticed it then. I'm 17 now and I used to try to hide it and it wasn't too hard but I've been getting kind of annoyed at the effort so I think I'm just going to shave it or at least cut it short. At a certain point the amount of worry is more of a hassle than the actual balding.

really231001 0

My brother is 13 and losing his hair and you thought you had it bad.

really231001 0

My brother is 13 and losing his hair and you thought you had it bad.