By inappropes - 29/10/2017 01:30

Today, at almost 26 years old, my beard is finally coming in. Too bad it, like the hair on my head, is 50% grey already. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 685
You deserved it 281

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The salt and pepper look is great - just ask George Clooney

ohsnapword 21

Could be worse, much worse. The hair on your head could be falling out.


The salt and pepper look is great - just ask George Clooney

ohsnapword 21

Could be worse, much worse. The hair on your head could be falling out.

1. Gray hair at an early age is no big deal. Half my family has it before 18. 2. They have hair dye. Even more natural ones for people with sensitive skin.

Whereas having a beard that doesn’t match your hair would look so much better!

A good friend of mine has a husband with long hair since his 20s. And finds him sexy. So roll with it. And i cant grow a beard mines similar but worse thanjoe durts. PIMP THE BEARD

How does this FML have anything to do with long hair?

Lobby_Bee 17

Perfect time to go pick up older women.

mccuish 25

I’m 26 and my hair is already starting to turn grey.

So are you going for a Orson Welles look or do you prefer the Petyr Baelish style? Either way, you look powerful.

Mungolikecandy 19

On the bright side you are not bald and you can grow a beard. There is always dye.